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2024 Submission Policy

The UTRGV Economic review accepts two forms of submission. Firstly, submissions for the research journal which include unpublished research papers, theses, as well as course term papers. The second form of submission that we accept are commentary based submissions. This includes unpublished, short length essay and opinion pieces reviewing related and relevant economic issues and trends. Commentaries can be either short-form, or long-form. The distinction between the categories is the word limit. (Specific submission requirements discussed in the following section)


The UTRGV Economic Review welcomes all work related to the field of economics and business, as well as those in disciplines not specifically within the school of business such as political science, public policy, and international relations. We highly encourage interdisciplinary submissions and strive to support the work of all of our undergraduate and graduate student participants.


However, please keep in mind that we are an undergraduate-focused journal peer reviewed by mostly undergraduate students pursuing various degrees within the field of business, so we may not have the expertise to evaluate certain topics and methods that deviate too far from standard economic and business curriculum for undergraduate students. If we cannot clearly determine if a submission is of publishable policy, we may not be able to proceed with the publication process. Data analysis and Causal inference is highly encouraged to support any arguments within publications.


Students currently enrolled in an accredited college or university, whether undergraduates or graduates are encouraged to submit their work for review. While submitting their work to other publications is allowed, if their work is selected for publication by us, the authors are required to withdraw their work from other publications to avoid duplicate publication.

Journal format

Please ensure that your research paper is submitted as a Word document, not exceeding 30 pages. This page limit excludes captions, titles, and figure/image descriptions. The research paper should include your name and institution and be formatted in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1.5 line spacing. In addition, students must follow APA style guidelines, including in-text citations and a reference section. Students' research papers must include properly labeled and numbered tables, figures, and equations. Each table, figure, and equation should be labeled and numbered correctly to avoid confusion.

Commentary format

Please upload commentary submission as a Word document, with a word count between 500 and 8,000 words, excluding captions, titles, and figure/image descriptions. Please include your name and institution. Format the document in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1.5 line spacing. You do not need to follow APA style; please include in-text hyperlinks to the relevant sources whenever you refer to facts, data, or evidence.

Submission deadline

The deadline for submitting to the 2024 Journal & 2024 Commentary is May 9th, 2024.

How to Submit

Please send your submissions to When sending your email, please include your first and last name and either "Research Paper, submission" or "Commentary submission" in the subject line. Also, please attach a Word document and a PDF of your research paper or commentary.

Submission Feedback

Please keep an eye out for updates in your email. 
If your paper is chosen, we will have the right to edit the submission for grammar, clarity, and length. We value your ideas and opinions, and we will never tamper with your paper in any way, so please respond and work with us during the procedure to ensure a smooth process before publishing an edited version. If your paper is not chosen, we will explain the reasons behind our decision.

Plagiarism policy

According UTRGV provisions, plagiarism is "the act of stealing the ideas and/or expression of another and representing them as your own." We strictly prohibit any form of plagiarism.

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